Tag: Recycled Paper

Print Jargon Busted: Paper Finishes

Print Jargon Busted: Paper Finishes

Understanding the different types of paper finishes available can be a minefield for those not familiar with the print industry. Each type comes with its own benefits and can impact the overall quality of your printed material. When choosing which type of paper to use for your marketing material, it is valuable to understand the differences between them.  As recognised print experts, Lemon Press, can help you. Knowing the differences will help you make an informed decision on the paper finish

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Covid-19 Update

During these uncertain times, we want to reassure all our clients that production remains unaffected, and we continue to print and fulfil all current and new orders to the high-quality standards you all know and love.

Internally safeguards have been put in place at Lemon Press including following procedures and guidance supplied by the BPIF (British Printing Industries Federation).

Sales and estimating continue as normal but to minimise risks, we have reduced the teams' attendance at our premises. Therefore staff that can complete their tasks remotely are set up to work from home.

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